Pam Brady, VP of Programs shared highlights of the programs scheduled for this year. She also invited the membership to offer any ideas for interesting programs for the second half of the year and she still have a couple of slots to fill in the first half. Pam’s goal is to bring you programs that will educate, enlighten, and inspire.
Special thanks to all who made our Club Assembly a successful program including past president, Lisa Alexander for the invocation; Tom Larmore, past president for the songs and pledge, Dr. Ken Waltzer, President Elect for the music. Past President, Judy Neveau and Gary Ogden thanks for greeting all. Stan Fox, Carol Powell, and Rosie Regalbuto you are awesome in your service to manage that back table, thanks.
Our District Governor, Olivia Patterson-Ryans’ theme is “Rotarians Inspiring Hope”. Our Rotary International President, Jennifer Jones’ theme is “Imagine Rotary”. With your help we will continue to be A CLUB of Excellence and the best Club in our District.
Announcements: Next week we will meet live at the Hilton our program will be “The Importance of Arts In Education”.
- District Governor, Olivia Patterson-Ryans visits our club on Friday, August 12th, 2023.
- District Sunday Brunch is August 14th 1:00PM-3:00PM at The Proud Bird.
- District Humanitarian Trip to Belize is scheduled for March 16th – 23rd, 2023.
This Friday’s Program on Mark Slavkin Art Education – Bringing Joy, Creativity &
Relevance to CA School
Social Time 12p Meeting Starts: 12:30p – 1:30p @ the Hilton