Mandy Ingber, New York Times Best Selling author, health, and wellness expert shared practical tools for developing a manageable self-care program to rely upon during this upcoming period of immense change. Based upon yoga philosophy, physical practices, cosmic mapping,
emotional wellness studies and personal experience, Ingber shared her story and offered a few simple techniques and guidelines that will assist our members in remaining grounded.
Mandy shared her journey of growing up in Los Angeles, attending a school of experience in Santa Monica, being a child actress and her Dad introducing her to Yoga. She explained that being a victim of crime was key to a life change for her. She became a local spin cycle guru and added yoga to her instructions and began to privately teach celebrities. Jennifer Aniston is one of her private clients. She explained that one of her classes is titled, “Love Your Body Into Shape”.
Ms. Ingber challenged us with practical illustrations to develop a routine for self-care and wellness. She hailed our members for the commitment Rotarians make to “Service Above Self”. She said that when one loves their body into shape a key characteristic is serving others. She offered a self-engagement to our members by having us participate in several exercises:
1. Each of us shared one thing we were grateful about with the person next to us.
2. The fake laughing exercise got everyone involved in a fun exercise.
3. Mandy suggested we continue to be of service to others and make meaningful connections with people.
4. Another suggestion she made was to do something for oneself by taking a 30 minute walk each day.
5. Ms. Ingber purposed that meditation is a healthy way to get centered.
A couple more exercises she engaged her audience in included sitting still with our feet flat on the floor and sitting upright with our backs against our chairs while focusing on our breathing. She also led the group in standing with our arms behind our backs while back bending which opens our chest area. Finally, she suggested to her audience that we shouldn’t look at our mobile devices when we wake up in the middle of the night.
Thanks Donna Byrd and V.P. Pam Brady for giving us this engaging program. Mandy Ingber was refreshing and engaging.
Thanks to everyone who made our meeting a true success. Past President Dee Menzies, thanks for your warm and thoughtful invocation and request for a moment of silence to honor the members who passed away this past year. Karim Jaude, thanks for honoring us by being the president’s pick. Donna Byrd, again thanks for hosting our program and introducing Mandy Ingber. Felix Crown, thanks for introducing our visiting Rotarians and guest. Past President Lisa Alexander and Karin Wallerstein, thanks for greeting as we all arrived. Past President Carol Jackson thanks for our patriotic song and the pledge and for leading us in singing the welcome song and the theme song from “Cheers”. President Elect Ken Waltzer, thanks for the music. Special thanks to our Cheering Squad: David Rosenfeld, Rose Mary Regalbuto and V.P. Pam Brady, they always provide a lively start to our meetings. To the “Back Table Crew” – thanks for all you do; Carol Powell, Stan Fox, Rose Mary Regalbuto and V.P. Pam Brady. Len Lanzi, thanks for managing our Zoom connections this week.
V.P. John Bartlett thanks for the announcement on Zoom about Movember and telling us how to get involved! Please reach out to JB for more information at [email protected]. At our Club meeting this week Andrea Gressinger, Co-chair of our International Food and Wine Festival, announced the featured charity of the event will be The Santa Monica College Foundation – in particular the SMC Students experiencing homelessness. Let’s all offer our support with sponsorships, purchasing tickets to attend the event and purchasing raffle tickets.
According to the 2019 Hope Center survey of SMC students, 23% of respondents reported that they had been homeless in the previous year. This means that some of SMC students do not have a fixed, regular, or adequate place to live. The signs that a student is experiencing homelessness include living in a shelter, a car, t;couch-surfing with a friend or relative or staying in a space not meant for human habitation.
Carol Powell announced that our Holiday Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 10 th , from 5:30-9:30 at Kathy Dracup’s home 1315 Georgina Avenue in Santa Monica.
Regular Members – $30.00
Young Associates & Senior Exempt – $60.00
Rotarians first guest – $75.00 Additional guests – $95.00
RSVP to Carol Powel @l [email protected] |