I deeply appreciate the efforts of all who made our meeting a success this past week. We overcame the plague of technical difficulties to enjoy a wonderful presentation by Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, President/Superintendent of Santa Monica College. I am including the links to the two video presentations Dr. Jeffery included in her presentation.
Dr. Jeffery presented the state of the college by sharing the engagement of the institution over its 93 plus years in the community. While the college employs 2,000 individuals 500 are members of the faculty, with the largest group of employees as members of CSEA and the smallest group are in administration.
Today, SMC leads the nation in transferring students to the prestigious University of California system — a record unbroken for over 31 years — and serves more than 40,000 students. Set ona 38-acre main campus with five satellite locations across the sunny seaside city of Santa Monica, SMC is scheduled to open its Malibu campus in the Spring of 2023. SMC offers students the collegial experience and educational quality typically found at a scholastically
rigorous four-year college or university, at a fraction of the cost. The breadth of choices at SMC is mind-blowing! From liberal arts to STEM, accounting to film production, SMC’s career-and transfer-oriented programs rival the nation’s best universities. New courses are constantly being created, and career education courses are developed with direct input from industry advisors. In the past 10 years alone, SMC faculty crafted over 300 new courses in 58 subject
areas, and the list keeps growing.
The college has partnerships with Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District providing space on the campus for special programs for younger students. Santa Monica College’s newest campus is The Santa Monica Early Childhood Lab School. It’s developed through collaboration with Santa Monica College, the City of Santa Monica, the Growing Place, and Rand Corporation. The Lab School is a demonstration site for Santa Monica College Early Childhood Education to observe the College’s established teaching and learning practices. It’s located in the Civic Center Complex at 1802 4th Street.
Dr. Jeffery shared that a priority for the college is to focus on creating solutions for students who are experiencing housing and food insecurity. SMC has established several programs on the main campus to offer services to students in need of food. As she expressed it’s hard to study and be a successful student when you are hungry. Food insecurity and homelessness was experienced by as many as 50% of the current student body within the month of a recent
During the question-and-answer portion of the program Dr. Jeffery introduced Don Girard, Senior Director of Government Relations, and Institutional Communications for the college. He explained the Bond Issue – Measure SMC which will fund the reconstruction of two older buildings on campus and allow the college to address the issue of homeless students by providing some housing. We are very proud to have Dr. Kathryn Jeffery as an Honorary
Member of The Rotary Club of Santa Monica.
Friday was also a day of celebration at our meeting. Thank you, Matt Williams, for leading the membership in singing “Happy Birthday” to Past President George Collins as our famous cheering squad were called into action, pom poms waving with Ken Waltzer at the keyboard. Thanks to Mitchell Kraus and Richard Lombari for greeting us as we entered the meeting. Kathryn Marklof, we appreciated the invocation, and Matt Williams thanks for being the president’s pick this week. Judy Neveau, as always thanks for that warm introduction of Dr. Kathryn Jeffery. Thanks, Tom Loo for greeting our visiting Rotarians and our guests. Tom Larmore and Ken Waltzer, you are the perfect team and thanks for providing the patriotic song, the pledge, our special song, and the music. Len Lanzi, you are a media technician
extraordinaire and a special thanks for managing our Zoom audience and the PowerPoint, along with the videos for Dr. Jeffery. Gary Ogden, thanks, you are making your presence known, this week you helped at the back table, and we noticed. Rose Mary and Carol were both out and Stan and Pam continued to fill in every place. Everyone appreciates the excitement the Cheering Squad brings to the day!
This Friday, October 21st we will be live at the Hilton, and we will welcome all our members with special Halloween decorations. Please get in the spirit and join us. Costumes welcome!
Coming Up: Friday Oct 21st
Assembly member Richard Bloom
“A Decade in Review”
Rotary Club of Santa Monica invites you to join us for a great opportunity to hear from Calfornia Assembly member Richard Bloom on his legislative accomplishments over the years and highlights from his time in the State Assembly.
Host Rotarian Introducer: Gary Odgen
October 28th on ZOOM
Forecast and Ramifications
of Mid-term Elections
Raphael J. Sonenshein is the Executive Director of the Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs at California State University, Los Angeles and was previously a professor of political science at California State University, Fullerton, where he also served as chairman of the department. Dr. Sonenshein who received his Ph.D. and M.A. from Yale is considered one of the foremost experts at analyzing political elections. The Club is fortunate to have Dr. Sonenshein again give us his prognosis of the upcoming mid-term elections. Dr. Sonenshein will share with us his thoughts about what will happen nationally on November 8, 2022 and what that likely will mean for us next several years until the Presidential Election in 2024.
Host Rotarian Introducer: Tom Loo
Oct 29th- Halloween Party
Nov 1st – First Tuesday – @The Misfits
Nov 16th- Book Club Meeting “Old Glory: An American Voyage” by Jonathan Raban
The author of Bad Land realizes a lifelong dream as he navigates the waters of the Mississippi River in a spartan sixteen-foot motorboat, producing yet another masterpiece of contemporary American travel writing. In the course of his voyage, Raban records the mercurial caprices of the river and the astonishingly varied lives of the people who live along its banks. Whether he is fishing for walleye or hunting coon, discussing theology in Prairie Du Chien or race relations in Memphis, he is an expert observer of the heartland’s estrangement from America’s capitals of power and culture, and its helpless nostalgia for its lost past. Witty, elegiac, and magnificently erudite, Old Glory is as filled with strong currents as the Mississippi itself.
December 10th – HolidayParty
MAR 4th – Wine and Food Festival 2023- more details to come.
MAR 16- 23rd -District Humanitarian Trip to Belize
Purchase Your Concert Tickets
VIP Tables (stage level): $1,000 (seats 4)
Lower Balcony: $200/seat
Upper Balcony (lower tier): $125/seat
Upper Balcony (higher tier): $75/seat
A limited number of tickets are available at each price point- purchase your concert tickets early before they sell out!
Backstage Pass: We have a limited number of Backstage Passes for $500 each (in addition to the purchase of a concert ticket). If you are interested, contact Leon Nixon at [email protected].
View the seating chart for pricing tiers.
Credit card payment is the fastest way to purchase your concert tickets. You may pay via check, but payment MUST be received within 7 days of ticket reservation or the order will be cancelled.